Why Should I Try Aromatherapy?

Why Should I Try Aromatherapy?

Aromatherapy has grown in popularity over the last few years. Essential oils have become a part of modern treatment for anxiety disorders. Aromatherapy is not new and has a long standing history in spas and other establishments to promote relaxation. 

In my personal life, I have incorporated lavender and chamomile into my relaxation routine. Lavender essential oil in the diffuser has been my go to right before bed after a stressful day. The wonderful smell of lavender provides me a sense of calm for a restful night. Even during hectic moments in the household, I will turn on the diffuser to reduce a stressful situation. Another all time favorite of mine, is chamomile. Chamomile has been my tea of choice when I am suffering from painful cramps or when I am wired at 2 am. The tea soothes my stomach and calms my nerves, allowing me to relax.

I've including a link below of an article on different essential oils for calming anxiety. 

Enjoy the read! Let me know what you think. The information is not for medical advice, it is solely for informational purposes. If you have medical concerns, seek the advice of a physician.

Researchers Reveal 5 Essential Oils that Calm Anxiety and Relieve Stress



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